Winter care

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy and Energetic in Winter

Winter care

Winter Challenges for Dog Nutrition: How to Ensure Energy and Health

Winter presents unique challenges for our four-legged friends. Cold weather, shorter days, and less time outdoors can affect their energy needs and overall well-being. As pet owners, we must closely monitor our pets’ needs and adjust their diets accordingly.

Changes in Energy Needs

During the cold season, many dogs, especially active ones who spend time outdoors, may require more energy. Their bodies work harder to maintain an optimal body temperature. Short-haired and smaller breeds may also need extra energy as they lose heat more quickly.

Adapting Nutrition

Considering the increased energy demand, it may be necessary to adjust your dog’s diet. Here are some tips:

  • Increase food portions: Some dogs may need 10-15% more food. Opt for balanced and nutritious meals.
  • Choose higher-fat foods: Fats are a concentrated energy source. Look for food rich in quality fats and proteins.
  • Supplement with beneficial oils: Omega-3 fatty acids provide extra energy and support skin and coat health. Consider adding salmon oil or other Omega-3 sources to your dog’s diet.

All these products, including high-quality dog food, supplements, and salmon oil, are available in our Tori Tierwelt store. Explore our range to find the best options for your furry friend!

Boosting Immunity

It’s important to strengthen your dog’s immune system in winter. Consider natural supplements to enhance their resistance. Regular use can help protect your pet from seasonal illnesses.

The Importance of  Vitamins


Ensuring sufficient vitamins is essential during winter:

  • Vitamin A: Supports vision and the immune system.
  • B vitamins: Aid energy production and nervous system function.
  • Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin D: Essential for bone health, especially with less sun exposure.
  • Vitamin E: An antioxidant important for skin and coat health.

You can find a wide selection of vitamin-enriched products in Tori Tierwelt to keep your pet healthy throughout the cold season.

The Role of Variety

While dry food is convenient and nutritious, don’t forget about variety. Wet food can complement daily meals, adding extra flavors and nutrients.

Individual Approach

Remember that every dog is unique. Monitor your pet’s behavior, energy levels, and overall condition. If you notice significant changes, consult a veterinarian to create the most suitable nutrition plan.

Proper winter nutrition is not just about maintaining energy but also supporting your dog’s overall well-being. With products from Tori Tierwelt, you can ensure your pet enjoys winter activities while staying healthy and happy.